- A person must be at least 16 years of age.
- He must be able to read, speak, write and understand the English language.
- No medical certificate is required.
- The applicant must pass a written test on such items as:
- Pilot privileges, limitation and flight procedures
- Use of navigation charts
- Recognition of weather conditions and use of weather reports
- Operating procedures with hot air balloons
- The applicant must have received instruction on the following pilot operations
- Ground handing and inflation
- Navigation
- Airport operations
- Preflight checks
- Takeoff and ascents
- Descents and landings
- Emergency conditions and procedures
- Post flight procedures
Flight experience must include at least 10 hours in free balloons, which must include 6 flight under the supervision of an instructor. These flights must include at least the following two training flight of at least one hour within 60 days of the scheduled check ride. One ascent to 2,000 feet above take off point, and one solo flight.

Private Pilot or Additional Rating:
Minimum 10 hours Flight Training $350.00 / Flight Hour.
Estimated cost for private flight training ($3,000.00~$5,000.00).
Flight Training in students balloon is $150.00 / Flight Hour.
(Customer supplies balloon, vehicle, crew, fuel and insurance).