The dress for ballooning is comfortable and casual. The temperature aloft is nearly the same as on the ground, so dress comfortable for a day’s outdoor activity per the season you’re flying. The air temperatures above cool only 3 degrees per 1000 ft. of altitude, so heavy clothing is not necessary unless you’re planning a flight during the winter months.
We recommend waterproof footwear because our morning launch sites are usually damp with dew, so waterproof footwear will only add to your comfort. And although our launch sites are more predictable our landing sites may not be as groomed or manicured, so long-sleeved shirts and pants are also recommended. Dresses, sandals, and high heels are not recommended.
Ballooning is a sport for the entire family to enjoy. We encourage all our passengers to bring family and friends out to be a part of the crew, to help set up, launch, follow, and pack up the balloon at the end of the flight. It’s just as thrilling to be part of the chase crew as it is to be a passenger.